Orbit Genomics Co-Founder and CSO, Dr. Harold “Skip” Garner, is the senior author on a paper appearing in Oncogene (31 July 2017) entitled “High-depth, high-accuracy microsatellite genotyping enables precision lung cancer risk classification” and can be viewed at http://rdcu.be/uCMU.
Early detection and screening for lung cancer can help overcome the high incidence and poor survival rates of this deadly disease. While low dose spiral CT is the only currently recommended screening test for lung cancer, it is not without numerous shortcomings. In this study, the authors demonstrated that variations in DNA microsatellites (MST) play a role in the genetics of the mechanism of lung carcinogenesis. A set of (13) MST loci were identified and validated for lung cancer risk to be used in a high sensitivity, high specificity risk classifier blood test. Orbit Genomics will utilize this MST platform technology to aid in early lung cancer detection by creating clinically actionable diagnostics for lung cancer. High risk patients will be identified for enhanced monitoring or preventative measures.