CSO, Skip Garner, in the News
Researchers in Blacksburg Develop Lung Cancer Risk Genetic Test
Microsatellite Genotyping in Lung Cancer
Orbit Genomics Co-Founder and CSO, Dr. Harold “Skip” Garner, is the senior author on a paper appearing in Oncogene (31 July 2017) entitled “High-depth, high-accuracy microsatellite genotyping enables precision lung cancer risk classification” and can be viewed at http://rdcu.be/uCMU. Early detection and screening for lung cancer can help overcome the high incidence and poor survival rates of this deadly disease.…
Science in Genomic Medicine
With the launch of the precision medicine cohort initiative, All of UsSM Research Program, the importance of incorporating implementation science in genomic medicine is greater than ever to ensure population health benefits for all. Historically, the speed of genomic discovery has far exceeded the time required to put these potentially life-saving medical discoveries into practice. In December…